Create With Purpose

Adobe Youth Voices Develops the technology skills among youth, providing cutting edge tools and breakthrough learning experiences from creating video, multimedia, digital art, web, animation, and audio to express their voices in society and prepare for 21st centery employment with critical thinking, innovation, collaboration and communication skills. more

June 4, 2011

Rights of a Photographer

Photography is recording light entering though a lenze, nothing more.

Rights of a photographer country to country , so always make sure what laws are in force in the area you do photography.

Where and What can I photograph?In general you can photograph almost anything in a public place.

You dont have to take permission to photograph building and parks as well as people that are in public areas.

When you are on a public property you can photograph private property like someone's garden flowers.

If you need to photograph on a private property, its better to ask someone for persmission.

Its not right to photograph someone excessively even in a public place, which might look like invasion of privacy.

How ever there are exceptions to this ruleMilitary installations or other subjects that can be classed as national security can not be photographed without permission.

Photographing in public places like dressing rooms, restrooms or people entering their code at the ATM machine counts as invading a person’s privacy.

In public places you can photograph adults, children, law enforcement officers, accidents, criminal activities, celebrities, airports and train stations.

What if people question you ?First of all, act politely and stay as calm as possible. You do not need to explain why you are there or what you are photographing. In most cases you do not need to disclose your identity in most countries.
You do not need to give them your camera/memory card nor do you need to delete the images.

Unless they have a court order or are arresting you, they have no right to take your equipment.

If you are asked to delete photographs or asked to hand over your equipment ask for their identity and who they work for.

Also ask what legal reason they cite for doing this to you.

How and Where can I use my photographs?If its a photography that you have taken, you have the right to photograph. There are rules and laws surrounding how you publish and distribute your photographs.

If your photograph is not commercial, i.e. considered art, you have much more rights to publish and use your photograph.

If you intend to use the photograph in any commercial situation you will need a model release from the model.

News photographs, even though they can be used to sell newspapers, do not require a model release to be published and sold.

Sample Model Release

 Phone number
E-mail address

For Good and Valuable Consideration I hereby grant permission to
Please check one:

[ ] I affirm that I am of age of majority, have read and completely understand the foregoing


[ ] I affirm that I am the parent/legal guardian of the model, who is a minor, have read and completely understand the foregoing content.


Date and Place :

[YOUR NAME] to use my name and the photographs s/he has taken of me in all forms and media for advertising, trade and any other lawful purposes.

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