Create With Purpose

Adobe Youth Voices Develops the technology skills among youth, providing cutting edge tools and breakthrough learning experiences from creating video, multimedia, digital art, web, animation, and audio to express their voices in society and prepare for 21st centery employment with critical thinking, innovation, collaboration and communication skills. more

February 11, 2016

SL DESIGN HACK 1.0 Anime & Graphics Competition

SL Design Hack 1.0 organised by Young Artists Society Sri Lanka, founded by Shilpa Sayura Youth. It aims to unleash best creativity in Youth to identify best designers and help them reach higher level in creative field.

Competition Information

Theme: Youth and Internet - issues and Solutions

Competition Areas
20 second Animation
Graphic Design

Junior (16 and below)
Senior  (19 and below)
Open  (20+)

1. Become a member of Young Artist Society Sri Lanka
2. Join SL Hack 1.0 Event
3. Submit Your Competition Registration { opening on Feb 20}

Share the competition on your page

How to take part in Competition
You can join online or from a local hack spot to the event.
  • A Hack spot can be a home , school, office or public place with food, water and electricity.
  • You can invite who ever you like to local hack and upload creatives to the competition page.
  • If you like to run a HACK SPOT contact us for support and information

How to take part
You can apply for Animation or Graphics Competition or Both.
You can submit any number of creatives for each category or sector, but you may win only one prize.
Your animation or graphic should reflect your expression
on Internet and Youth - Issues and Solutions theme.

Technique and Tools
You may use any tools to create animation or graphics and need to upload them as 20s videos or photos 800 x 600 high quality JPG.

Sinhala , Tamil or English, Sign  or No language accepted.

The content of the animation or graphic should be suitable for all audience regardless of age.
No content accepted that promote harassment, violence  and hate speech against any culture, community or religion.

Dates and Times
March 7  Monday 9 AM -  March 8 9 AM Sri Lanka Time (IST)
You should submit your creatives during this period only.

Your creative work submitted for the  SL Design HACK 1.0 will be promoted on internet for 10 days for public feedback. 10 finalists chosen from each section and age category.
(2 x 3 x 10 =60 creatives.) . The finalist creatives will be called for public voting.

Judges from creative, technical sector  will evaluate the finalist creatives and select a Winner and Runner up for each section and age category . Public choice award given to most number of likes and shares by public. In case a competitor winning two places, the second place given to next under one price per one person.

Judging CriteriaOriginality, Visual Presentation, Techniques and Message. Judges decision shall be final.

Awards & Certificates
  • Open : Animation Winner, Runner Up and Public Choice -  3 Awards
  • Open : Graphics Design Winner, Runner Up and Public Choice - 3 Awards
  • Senior  : Animation Winner, Runner Up and Public Choice Awards - 3 Awards
  • Senior : Graphics Design Winner, Runner Up and Public Choice - 3 Awards
  • Junior  : Animation Winner, Runner Up and Public Choice Awards - 3 Awards
  • Junior : Graphics Design Winner, Runner Up and Public Choice - 3 Awards
  • Certificate for 60 finalists 
What Next ?
The Top 3 Senior and Junior Creations for Animation and Graphics category submitted to Adobe Aspire Awards. The Open section creatives submitted to Adobe design awards. That would enable their admittance to Adobe Youth Voices program to win a creative scholarships.

Planned dates 
  • March 7-8 - Design Hack
  • March - 9 - 16 - Finalist Selection
  • March 17 - 26 - Public Voting
  • March 27 - Final Judging & Result
  • Awards Date : To be fixed ...

All creative works are copy right of the creator. They may submitted to competition with creative commons license with no commercial use and no derivatives terms.

Supported by

July 30, 2015

AppSMART 2015 @ Dialog - August 8 World Youth Day

AppSMART is a project initiated by Shilpa Sayura & Dialog Idea Mart to develop 1000 young ICT, Media, Tech and Design students at early ages to enter Mobile Technology filed. The 1st training event for 100 happens on 8th August, the World Youth Day at Dialog HQ Auditorium.

Students can apply online to take part in this project.
More Information and Online Application is at