Create With Purpose

Adobe Youth Voices Develops the technology skills among youth, providing cutting edge tools and breakthrough learning experiences from creating video, multimedia, digital art, web, animation, and audio to express their voices in society and prepare for 21st centery employment with critical thinking, innovation, collaboration and communication skills. more

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Youth Media Resources

Adobe Youth Voices
Adobe Youth Voices provides breakthrough-learning experiences using video, multimedia, digital art, web, animation, and audio tools that enable youth to explore and comment on their world.
Visit the Adobe Youth Voices section of Adobe's website for news and events, educator resources, and to see a collection of youth-produced work from the AYV global network.

Arts Engine, Inc.

Arts Engine, Inc., supports, produces, and distributes independent media of consequence and promotes the use of independent media by advocates, educators, and the general public.
Arts Engine offers educators access to short films on a variety of issues and companion discussion guides and curriculum. Check Adobe Youth Voices student work on their Media Rights Website. Arts Engine also runs the annual Media That Matters Film Festival.

Educational Video Center (EVC)

EVC is an Emmy award winning organization dedicated to teaching social documentary production to at-risk youth and their teachers as a means to develop students' literacy and storytelling skills while nurturing their idealism and commitment to making a difference in their community.
In addition to the great collection of youth-produced video that you will find in the link above, EVC offers lesson plans and curriculum materials for educators, study guides for use when screening various student-produced videos with your students, and evaluation guides including rubrics to assess students' skill development.

iEARN (International Education and Resource Network)

iEARN is the world's largest non-profit global network of K-12 educators and youth using technology to design and collaborate on projects that enhance learning and make a difference in the world.
iEARN programs in the following countries are currently participating in the Adobe Youth Voices program: Argentina, Bahrain, Belarus, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, China, East Jerusalem, Egypt, Japan, Mexico, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, and the USA.

What Kids Can Do

What Kids Can Do (WKCD) is a national nonprofit founded in January 2001. Using the Internet, print, and broadcast media, WKCD shows the broadest audience possible what young people can accomplish when given the opportunity and what they can contribute when we take their voices seriously.
See examples of compelling student work, read what educators have to say about supporting youth voices, find resources — and more. View the AYV collection of projects.

Additional Youth Media Resources

The People Speak
Speak Up. Change the World.

Adobe Digital School Collection

Educator resources that include techonology integration curriculum and project ideas.

MediaRights Launchpad

MediaRights launchpad highlights stories by and for young people. It features tools, resources and media, exploring what it takes to launch, promote and distribute their work.


A California-based media organization with excellent online resources and curriculum.


A collection of 60-second videos made by youth.

Young Digital Creators
A UNESCO resource created for young people of different cultures to collaboratively work on developing a deeper understanding of each other's cultural perspectives on global issues.

Just Think
Teaches young people how to lead healthy, responsible, independent lives in a culture highly impacted by media.

Radio Diaries
Works with people to document their own lives for public radio: teenagers, seniors, prison inmates and others whose voices are rarely heard. Radio Diaries help people share their stories—and their lives—in their own words, creating documentaries that are powerful, surprising, intimate and timeless.
Global Action Project
Global Action Project (G.A.P.) provides youth with the knowledge, tools, and relationships they need to create powerful, thought-provoking media on local and international issues that concern them, and to use their media as a catalyst for dialogue and social change.

Youth Communication
Helps teenagers develop their reading and writing skills so they can acquire the information they need to make thoughtful choices about their lives.

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