Three creative media projects done by Sri Lankan youth has reached Adobe Aspire Awards 2013 finals. Among them are a "21st century Girl" photo essay , "3R for Women Empowerment" poster campaign and the "YES film project" video. These creatives were made by youth from Kandy YES and Lahugala Nenasala Telecentre working in collaboration, facilitated by media educators trained by Adobe.
The Adobe Youth Voices Aspire Awards is a global, online media competition that encourages youth to creatively express their vision for driving positive change in local communities. It’s an extension of Adobe Foundation’s philanthropic commitment and its global signature program. Adobe Youth Voices aims to ignite creative confidence in youth around the world by empowering them to find their voice and make it heard. Now in its second year, Adobe Aspire Awards invited young people to explore issues that are important to them, and to present potential solutions through visual storytelling using cutting edge media making tools.
Youth around the world teamed up with adult educators and submitted over 1,000 creative media entries in 9 categories of Music Video, Documentary, Collaboration, Poster Campaign, Narrative, Animation, Photo Essay, Poetry and UNICEF challenge. The youth taking part in AYV Aspire Awards UNICEF Challenge require to produce a short video outlining their proposal for a new or existing initiative that will benefit other youth in their community. Among them 152 original, high-quality media creations were chosen for final round of online viewing and voting. The winning entries shall be judged by a diverse panel of professionals working in art, film, and other creative fields, and also by the general public through social media engagement.

Aspire Awards UNICEF Challenge conducted first time, is looking to provide three youth led projects with grants to support the implementation of innovative initiatives showing imagination, creativity and innovation through the use of digital tools and social media.
The winning projects shall receive software, hardware, cash prizes and opportunities to advance creative ideas toward implementation. Their their entries are featured at distinguished exhibitions, including international film festivals and other arts organization events. AYV program in Sri Lanka implemented by Shilpa Sayura Foundation (, trained over 150 youth in Kandy and Lahugala in creative media production has yield excellent results demonstrated by reaching Adobe Aspire Awards Finals 2013.
Adobe Youth Voices supports young people encouraging them to use of cutting-edge digital media tools to communicate and share their ideas, demonstrate their potential, and take action where they live. AYV is Adobe Foundation’s philanthropic commitment and its global signature program, which aims to ignite creative confidence in youth around the world by empowering them to find their voice and make it heard. The "YES film project" aimed to be a 90m feature film based on "Child Solder" 10m short film submitted by Kandy and Lahugala Telecentre Youth has reached the UNICEF challenge finals while "21st Century Girl" and "3R for Women Empowerment" reached finals in Photo Essay and Poster Campaign categories.
Shilpa Sayura Foundation requests community support for increasing facebook likes, shares and tweets to gain higher votes win Adobe Aspire Audience Award in Photo Essay, Poster Campaign and Unicef Challenge categories at
Speaking to YES media Shilpa Sayura Foundation Adobe Lead Educator Niranjan Meegammana said "Our youth have a great potential to become leading professionals in emerging digital social media field. We need to provide them with right training, resources and opportunities to create media with a purpose". Mithun Kumarasinghe, a youth benefitted from AYV said "Thanks to Adobe, I am now pursuing a digital media technology career to use my talents in creative field, I am lucky to have engaged in Adobe Youth Voices". All youth spoke of their future plans for entering creative media field. Winning adobe creative scholarship was 13 year old Prabhashna's idea. AYV has inspired youth not only to serve the society, but also develop their their careers through AYV.
AYV has provided Shilpa Sayura Foundation us educator training, learning material and resources for implementing a successful two seasons. Shilpa Sayura Foundation appreciates the support of Adobe Foundation, Education Development Center, TakingITGlobal , UNHABITAT, Youth Empowerment Society, Ministry of Education, Lahugala Nenasala Telecentre and Media professionals in AYV Sri Lanka program.
Gamini Pathirana
People Media
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