Create With Purpose

Adobe Youth Voices Develops the technology skills among youth, providing cutting edge tools and breakthrough learning experiences from creating video, multimedia, digital art, web, animation, and audio to express their voices in society and prepare for 21st centery employment with critical thinking, innovation, collaboration and communication skills. more

October 25, 2011

How to write a rap for a 2 munite AYV Digital Story

This is simple  and a  systematic approach for writing a rap song. You can add your own style to it. lets get started.

1. Get Inspired.
Pick a topic for your Rap song that you have your own perspective that you want to share with your audience. Your inspiration is lyrics that create a meaning

Ex : Education Pressure need to be relived

2. Write a Hook. The hook should summarize the entire inspiration
for the song. creted on Rush Hour After School, youth rush to tution classes....

3. Brainstorm. Start to make a list of every idea, your view point related to your inspired topic. This will become the content of your song.

Ex. Schools open in the city, Rush Hour Begins , Youth want to get to tution, they want to be the first to catch forward benches, education pressure need a relief
4. Write lyrics.
Go through each of the points from your brainstorm list and express them in rhyme. Its a to way spin like editing. Math your concept with lyrics and improve your concept at the same time. Music is not a sequntial process.

5. Pick a beat Make beat yourself, or Pick a beat that invokes the emotion that inspired you to write your song.

6. Structure the song.
Now that you have a good idea of the sound your completed song will have, arrange your rhyme into verses (16 bars apiece).

You can start each verse with nearly any rhyme, but it's a good practice to end with a rhyme that makes a point. This way your verse doesn't seem to be left hanging.
A popular song structure would be: Intro, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, verse, middle 8 (AKA breakdown), chorus, outro.

However for a 2 mins rap your can have an intro, chorus, verse, chorus and outro.

7. Rap and refine.
Practice rapping your song on your chosen beat to work out the bugs and optimize your written verses. Cut out as many words as possible and then cut out some more. Only use the words that are needed to make your point, or to complete a rhyme... nothing more.
Don't be afraid to add a pause or two, this can help to enhance a certain point in the song.

8. Memorize your song. Rap your lyrics over your beat until you have memorized every breath Only then will you be ready to produce your song.
9. Produce it. Hook up with a producer to get the recordings and mastering completed.

Source Reference : Media Wiki


How to write a rap Chorus

Can you improve this
TITLE : Rush Hour

School bell rings
Rush hour begins
begin the Silence

Get over the fence
Got to go fast
Cant be the last
I Need the front row
Want to be the pro

Chorus:butter ... butter on the breader
keep another, breader on the butter
another, and another, keep it moving
the pressure, pressure no better

Verse:Taking the tution
The education fusion
to spend a free time
give me a free dime

Chorus:butter ... butter on the breader
keep another, breader on the butter
another, and another, keep it moving
the pressure, pressure no better

education pressure
actually no crosser
creating a buffer
seems like better

butter ... butter on the breader
keep another, breader on the butter
another, and another, keep it moving
the pressure, pressure no better

Written By
Niranjan Meegammana